Company of heroes 2: ardennes assault
Company of heroes 2: ardennes assault

company of heroes 2: ardennes assault

The ensuing time-delay tends to ruin your chances for winning gold. On the other hand, if you somehow start to control the map (easiest on levels 1 and 2), the AI responds by depriving you of targets so that you have to camp outside the German base entrance, waiting for units to trickle out at you. So your vehicles, with their terrible pathing and tendency to death-spin, are always at extreme risk of being cornered and slaughtered. On most missions, even on level 1 difficulty, the numerous German volksgrens on the map will magically possess panzerschrecks the moment you recrew a vehicle. More often, though, you will run into frustrating, rage-quit-inducing problems. Occasionally, you do get that ideal mission. In the easiest/ideal playthrough, you’ll find and fuel a Panzer IV or a Sherman first, then get something like a Stuart, a Luchs, and/or a flak halftrack, and use those to quickly kill lots of infantry for a win. Points (5 per soldier or vehicle) are supposed to be deducted from the German score every time you make a kill. It is won by the unreal achievement of killing German units with your vehicles only. In principle, you can achieve this by refueling/repairing/recrewing lots of vehicles that are lying around the map, and using these captured vehicles to kill German vehicles as well as the more plentiful German infantry. Victory in “Tank Grab” is won not by defending or capturing territory, or even by killing German units. My guess is that it originated as a different mission and then for some reason was reconceived and re-coded without ever being tested properly. “Tank Grab” was broken from the start, has never been fixed, and is probably a major reason why Ardennes Assault never became popular.

Company of heroes 2: ardennes assault